Workforce for a Competitive Edge | custom training solutions

Sales & Marketing High Performance Teams Inside the Company When groups, organizations or teams work together in an office environment, culture and rapport develop naturally. With the right coaching and leadership, that shared space and camaraderie can become powerful tools for success. Position your team for amazing achievement by learning to recognize and develop high-performance skills. This workshop will improve your ability to help a group focus on reaching shared goals. Other key takeaways include how to: • Conduct efficient, effective meetings • Work collaboratively and address challenges in a professional manner • Encourage and motivate team members Marketing Basics With more ways than ever before to market a business, it can be tough to know where to start and easy for your message to get lost in the crowd. Even so, marketing is an essential component to growth and success. Learning how to define your target audience, determine your differential advantages and craft the right message will put you well on your way to developing a successful marketing plan. This workshop will build those skills and more, including: • Understanding different marketing tools and how to use them • Setting marketing goals and creating strategies that help achieve them • Recognizing and avoiding common marketing mistakes Image Management Having a well-connected network can make all the difference when looking for a new career opportunity, trying to land a meeting with a potential client, or recruiting top talent. But in order to harness the power of a network, you first need to build one. Networking takes more than a great image. Solid communication skills, finding the right events and selling the benefits of a professional relationship are key pieces as well. This workshop includes hands-on activities that will help you learn how to: • Make the most of meet and greet opportunities • Dress for success • Professionally communicate during times of crisis • Use social media for professional purposes Personal Productivity What would you do if you had more than 24 hours each day? While it’s not possible to change how much time we have, it is possible to unlock hidden time with the help of carefully crafted routines and exceptional organization. If you’re ready to maximize your personal productivity, this workshop is for you. Attendees will learn how to take ownership of their time, create an efficient environment and set goals that lead to a more productive life. Key takeaways include how to: • Use scheduling tools and routines to maximize time • Organize physical and virtual workspaces for maximum efficiency • Beat procrastination • Master the to-do list Motivating Your Sales Team Public recognition, competition, quiet praise—motivational methods are diverse and numerous, and what works well for one employee may not inspire the next. Using the right incentives for your sales team can be one of the most effective ways for improving performance, increasing productivity and boosting morale. This workshop will help you identify how each member of your team is motivated and develop communication and mentoring techniques that resonate accordingly. You’ll learn how to: • Create and foster a motivational environment • Use communication and training as motivational tools • Tailor incentives and strategies for individual employees Overcoming Sales Objections A quality product at a great price could be turned down due to lack of understanding, failure to establish a rapport with the buyer, misinformation or a host of other reasons. Successful salespeople know that “no” can often be turned into “yes” with some persistence and the right information. Once you’ve uncovered the true objection, you’re one step closer to eliminating it. Attendees will learn common sales objections, how to define them and most importantly, how to overcome them. Key takeaways include: • Understanding factors that contribute to objections • Selecting the right strategy to overcome objections • How to eliminate objections and close the sale Sales Fundamentals Selling is an art and like many art forms, it can be complex and difficult to fully grasp without guidance or experience. Having an innate ability to sell is helpful, but even those with natural talent can benefit from a solid understanding of sales fundamentals. Participants in this workshop will explore the sales process, tools to help close the deal and strategies for handling objections. Attendees will leave more confident in their abilities to: • Speak the language of sales • Research and prepare talking points • Make a compelling pitch • Follow up after the sale • Collect meaningful data Business & Professional Development Courses 37