Workforce for a Competitive Edge | custom training solutions
Resolving Conflicts Acquire the tools needed to recognize conflict and deal with it quickly and ef- fectively. By understanding the signs of conflict and getting to the root cause, managers can eliminate the issue and minimize the impact. Facing these conflicts head-on allows the manager to preserve the integrity of the team and to demonstrate a commitment to individual performance and growth. Supporting Change Supporting change helps managers learn to understand and to interpret change. By understanding it, managers can more clearly communicate change to their team, helping to reduce misunderstanding and anxiety. Clear communication also helps the change initiative gain acceptance more quickly thereby minimizing lost productivity and decreased performance. Effective Discipline Effectively addressing problem behavior requires working to preserve an individual’s self-respect and encouraging the best kind of discipline–self- discipline. This workshop provides tools for successfully handling one of the most difficult functions of the manager/supervisor and includes role plays of discipline situations selected by the participants. Improving Work Habits Poor work habits are a major cause of disciplinary action. Addressing absenteeism, language issues, and dress and grooming habits can be a difficult but necessary part of leading a team and requires careful attention and skill. This module provides the tools necessary to recognize and to address poor work habits–even those of a team member who may be successful in his or her job. Communicating Up The ability of managers to effectively communicate up the line to their managers affects team member retention, overall productivity and even profitability. An important part of that communication is mutual agreement on what needs to be done, why it’s important, and when it will be accomplished. That fundamental agreement is what communicating up helps managers to achieve. Coaching Job Skills Spark commitment to your team’s success by utilizing effective coaching skills. In this workshop, you will learn the importance of carefully planning one-on-one discussions to gain each individual’s commitment to achieving results. You will also learn the coaching process of observation, analysis and communication and how to implement it. Providing Performance Feedback A performance assessment is not a disciplinary session but rather an opportunity to build a team member’s self-esteem by acknowledging what he/she is doing well. It is also a chance to eliminate any performance errors at an early stage. Learn how evaluation is done by the experts–establishing performance standards, soliciting the team member’s evaluation, and summarizing a credible evaluation. Emotionally Intelligent Workforce The ability of the individual and organization as a whole to recognize and manage emotions in ourselves and others is essential for the organization to be adaptable. Emotional-social intelligence is a cross- section of interrelated emotional and social competencies and skills that determine how well we understand and express ourselves, understand and relate with others, and cope with daily demands. Emotional intelligence (EQ) is measurable and can be developed. This seminar is for trainers, mentors, counselors, managers and supervisors interested in behavior-based training and leadership. Leading Organizational Change Leadership acts as change agents as well as enlists the help of carefully selected volunteers to be part of a change team. These internal change agents are the ones who ultimately lead a change project or businesswide initiative by defining, researching, planning, and building business support. Numerous driving forces motivate the behavior of change agents. An agent who is constantly adapting to new practices is often motivated from a desire to make change. Change agents must have the conviction to state the facts based on data, even if the consequences are associated with unpleasant outcomes. Controlling Stress in the Workplace Stress is an inevitable part of life; however, employees suffering from stress are not as productive as they could be, nor are they as healthy. For the well-being of your employees, the workplace should be as free of stress and of fear as possible. In this workshop, you will learn to identify and reduce stress-inducing situations while helping employees to manage their stress levels and become more productive. Employee Engagement High levels of employee engagement correlate positively to improve the individual, group and corporate performance in areas such as retention, turnover, productivity, customer service and loyalty. This course will give those leaders the tools necessary to enable staff in the supervisory and leadership roles the ability to motivate their staff in day-to-day operations. The outcome of this course will show the benefits of positive relationships and the impact on motivation within your organization. Retaining Winning Talent As the American workforce changes in age, ethnic makeup, lifestyle and motivation, the agreement between the employee and the employer is also changing. It is no longer an exchange of loyalty for security, but rather a multi-faceted give-and-take between employee and employer. Customer Oriented Selling Customer oriented selling techniques teach the salesperson to understand the customer’s perspective, focus on customer objectives, and guide the sales process toward a logical win-win result. Customer oriented selling sales training is based on a foundation in “consultative” and “strategic” selling with a strong pre-call planning process. 34 l Archbold. 419.267.1332 l Toledo. 419.530.3307 Business & Professional Development